Well we have had a whirlwind of things going on over the last few weeks. We seem to be wrapping up our holiday excursions and are reluctantly trying establish a routine all over again. Next week is going to be so hard. I know I am going to struggle with going back to work and sending Raegan off to Grandaddy and Grandmomma's house. We have had so much fun. She's like a minature me....seriously she is so much like me that its scary. Although she is much more prissy than I was. I never liked dressing up or jewelry. Wow have I changed!! She will be 18 months old on Monday and I keep asking myself where the time went. I was paying my insurance the other day and the girl said she couldn't believe how she was growing up. She said, "it seems like you just had her." Some days I feel the same way.
I didn't make a new year's resolution. They seem to be made only to be broken. However, I would like to finish a few projects around the house and I would like to simplify things in my life. I would like to rid myself of my pack-rat-like ways and keep my house a little neater. I would like to eat a little healthier and maybe lose a few pounds in the meantime. Don't laugh....I still don't have a resolution just a few suggestions for myself.
I am a little late on my Happy New Year Wishes but I hope you all have a great year. I hope you cherish your family, enjoy your friends, and love yourself. May you be blessed in more ways than you could ever imagine.
Move out of the way
11 years ago
Thanks Amy, we are having a wonderful and productive New Year! In all the holiday craziness I did not update that that all the pups are in their new homes (sorry!!) They were united with their adoptive parents Christmas Eve, and all are doing well!! I would certainly suggest a Chihuahua, they are WONDERFUL pets and so easy to care for! Think Dog + Cat lol!
Hugs to you and yours!
happy new year to you too!!!
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