This weekend was spent with family and friends. We ate some great food! The weather was warm and pleasant every day but today. It rained which made swimming and eating outdoors a little inconvenient. I should be fun to swim in the rain but it was a little stormy and windy.
Raegan is absolutely going all over the place. I'm finding that I should just dress her in play clothes from now on because she likes to sit on the ground and play in the dirt. We are battling eczema on her stomach and back again . If you have any treatments that have worked please let me know. We are desperate. We have lathered her in hydrocortizone cream and if she's not better by tomorrow then I will call the doctor. That's just it though the condition will come and go so fast that sometimes by the time you get to the office it has cleared up significantly. She gave us a prescription cream last time but it didn't phase it. It just goes and comes but sometimes it lasts for days before it goes away.
Mom is stressed about her surgery and we are all worried about a lot that it involves. I can only be faithful and give it to God because I know it is too much for anyone to handle alone. She really has a lot on her plate right now. Please pray for her.
Move out of the way
11 years ago
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