Well its been a little tough to be back at work while my sweet Raegan is having fun at home. I miss her sweetness when I'm gone. Work has been keeping me busy. My kiddos make me laugh everyday but being with them never compares to my baby girl. Sometimes I think of them like little souls trapped in teenage bodies. They require the same love, attention, and affection as the little ones. Its funny how that works out, huh? They just want you to love them! Well apparently since my principals know I'm a homebody and that I will probably not be leaving my hometown High School anytime soon they've been training me to do all sorts of things. I NEVER miss work unless I am really bad sick but this semester I have had to get subs for these training meetings. These sessions are harder than my real job and adults aren't nearly as fun as teenagers to work with. Today we had another all day meeting and the week before Spring Break we had one (plus 2 others before that). Then they said that we'll have atleast one more before school is out. Most people have no idea what teaching is really about. I never realized the time dedication that it takes before I started teaching. However, the rewards are unimaginable. I have been teaching just long enough to really start seeing some of the rewards firsthand. Teachers in a small town are almost like local celebrities. Today I was in a store with my mom and after about 15 people waived and spoke she finally said ....."Do you know everybody in this store?" The other day a girl came up to me and Raegan and introduced me to her mom and proceeded to tell me about college and what she was doing now. She told her mom that after she had me in 10th grade she was inspired to be a biology teacher. Her mom thanked me for the influence I had on her. Of course this was an act of God b/c it just happened to be one of those days that I was thinking..... why in the world do I do this job? Most people think people teach to have summers off but that's only partly true. Raegan is the real reason I desire my summers, not the job.
Well I didn't really mean to ramble about work. I was going to tell you about Raegan (since this is really her site). She loves horses!!!! She plays non-stop with horses and babydolls. She has the heart of a farm girl and I hope one day that she can experience life on the farm. She has compassion for animals and like her mommy would take them all in like Elly Mae Clampett. My husband really didn't know what he was getting into when he married me. I told him that FAMILY was my priority and that if he wasn't a family guy then I wasn't the girl for him. Well, I forgot to tell him about my BIG HEART for animals. He found out the hard way with 3 dogs and a cat. We had a sugar glider that died and I have a turtle at my dad's still. I've had my dog since I was 17 and my turtle since I was 13. Yes, the turtle is almost 15!!!!!!! I have had everything from wild animals to farm animals and even a snake. I said all of this to say that my little Raegan has this same love for animals. (Everything but bugs!) This weekend she did pick up worms so I see a fishing buddy in daddy's future.
Well I guess I'll sign off for the night. I would like to post new pics but they're all on my laptop which is still sick so I am having to use Scott's for now. Have a good week.
Move out of the way
11 years ago
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