For this child I prayed........ and the Lord hath given me that which I asked of him.

I Samuel 1:27

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Where is the sunshine?

Well Spring Break has come but the sunshine hasn't. We had hoped for warmer weather and the opportunity to get out and have a little fun. We have been pretty productive around the house and having extra time has allowed for some much needed catching up. I always love this time of the year. It means we're so much closer to summer. I can't wait to have the summer off with Scott and Raegan. His schedule should allow for some fun family time. His dad keeps reminding me that these 24 hr shifts will pay off later. I am really looking forward to it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It snowed......Again!!!!

What's that white fluffy stuff? Did you say SNOW? Raegan and I had a wonderful SNOW day at home together while daddy was working. We even had enough snow to build a snowman, something I haven't done in so long. She was so excited when she looked out the window and saw the white stuff. Hopefully this will be it and warmer, sunny days are ahead. To tell the truth, we are ready to have our feet in the sand...but until then...we wait.

We are really praying about the year ahead for Raegan. She has been on the preschool list for the last two years. I know CRAZY that they have to go on the list that far in advance. I feel pretty confident that she will get in but there's always a chance that she won't. We have a backup plan but we are giving it to God to bear and take care of. We've done everything that we thought we should's up to him. We were thinking about a fall sport or activity for her but I'm just not sure that I'm ready to do that. It looks like if we do anything it will be this fall or next spring. I know she's old enough but I want her to really love it. I don't want to push her even though she begs to do this stuff. I feel like she should wait to play ball but maybe dance would be okay. I checked around last year and although she was old enough I just felt like she wasn't ready. Maybe it was me and not her but nevertheless it is what it is. She keeps begging for a sibiling but we all know its not good to give a child "everything" they ask for. We will see!

Scott is getting used to the new schedule. He loves his job. He has one more hurdle, passing the state EMT test and then he will be able to breathe a sigh of relief again. We are all getting used to the schedule. Thank goodness for great in-laws, dad, and Grammy who have helped me out with juggling Raegan, work, and class. I have really missed Scott but I am getting used to the fact that he can't be here for everything. He missed Raegan's first pageant which was a bummer but I told him there will be more. So far his calendar looks good on the big holidays but next year is another story. We will definitely have to plan ahead. Then being the wife of a firefighter will really sink in. I am almost finished with grad. school. After a few weeks I will begin my final semester of school. I haven't chalked this up to be my final educational experience but I will probably take a break for a while. Who never can tell.